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Wilujeng sumping sareng timna ngadatangan Lianchua Friendronik Lianchua


Perusahaan kami parantos kolaborasi sareng fred kanggo sataun. Klién nyatakeun yén pembaharuan anu séhat kulawarga dina tahap awal parantos janten anjeunna pinuh ku antosan pikeun kunjungan ieu. As a factory that has been professionally manufacturing rigid printed circuit boards for nearly twenty years, we were also well – prepared for this visit.

The spring breeze was gently blowing, and the warm sun was shining brightly. The industrial park after the Spring Festival was full of vitality. First, we picked up our client and led them to the conference room on the second floor for a short rest. Then, we couldn't wait to introduce ourselves to each other. Sanaos éta waktos anu munggaran disumpuhan ku klien urang, aranjeunna salaku ramah sapertos babaturan lawas. Ieu gancang disebatkeun saraf tina stafsi resepsi kami. Salajengna, disondg ku téknisna, aranjeunna tetep kana jalur produksi dina pisan benang. From receiving clients' files, to making the film, from cutting the materials to packaging, with a deeper understanding of each process, Fred got a better understanding of the PCB manufacturing process. Tinggi - Produk kualitas ngandelkeun dina alat prosés maju sareng sikep anu kuat staf kami. When they learned that the production of a very ordinary PCB requires more than twenty procedures, and quality inspection is carried out after each procedure, our client showed admiring glances.

Waktu Post: Mar-10-2025